CALL FOR PAPERS: Army Institute of Law Journal (Volume XII) 

CALL FOR PAPERS: Army Institute of Law Journal (Volume XII)


  1. All manuscripts (in hard copy and e-mail) must be accompanied by:
  2. A covering letter with the name(s) of the author(s), official designation institution/affiliation, the title of the manuscript and contact information (correspondence address, email, phone number etc).
  3. A Certificate that the paper submitted is a piece of original and bonafide research work and has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
  4. An abstract of not more than 200 words describing the submission.
  5. Contributions should be in English language only and in conformity withAIL’s scheme and style.
  6. Electronic submissions (on website or email) should ideally be made in Word Format (doc)/(docx).
  7. Text and citations should strictly conform to the rules in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (19th edition). This mode of citation must be strictly followed otherwise the paper shall not be considered for publication.
  8. The submission of papers is open only for Teachers/Academicians/Professionals and Ph.D. Research Scholars. Students can be co-author.
  9. No biographical information or references, including the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s) and acknowledgements should be included in the text of the manuscript, the name or document properties. All such information may be incorporated in the covering letter accompanying the manuscripts.
  10. The word limit mentioned as under must be strictly adhered to. Article/Research Papers: The word limit is between 4,000 to 6,000 words.
    Notes and comments: The word limit is upto 3,000 words.
    Book Review: The word limit is upto 2,500 words.
  11. 8. The Journal encourages gender neutrality in its submissions.
  12. The articles in the Journal shall be edited and published according to the orthographical and grammatical rules of Indian English, which is based on British English; thus, submissions in American English will be modified accordingly.
  13. In case of book reviews, two copies of the book are to be sent.
  14. In case of references from websites, complete URL address, along with the last date of accessing the website should be mentioned.
  15. Contributions to the journal shall be evaluated by the nominated Referees.
  16. Manuscripts shall be assessed by subjection to Blind Review Procedure.Reviewers shall not be informed of the author’s name, university/institution, designation, or any other personal information.
  17. Submission of a paper shall be taken to imply that it is an unpublished work and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  18. Copy right of all entries received shall exclusively vest with the Army Institute of Law. The submission of work would imply that the contributor has assigned such rights to AIL on its publication in the journal.
  19. Author/s are required to obtain written permission for the use of any copyrighted material in the manuscript and must communicate the same to the Journal. Such material may include tables, charts, graphs etc.
  20. Authors are also required to inform the Editorial Board if they have submitted their manuscripts to another law journal and if they have received an offer of publication. Authors may request an expedited review on this basis. It shall be within the discretion of the Editorial Board to grant an expedited review.
  21. In case the article is not published, then the author shall be intimated by the Institute through e-mail and he/she may then send it for publication elsewhere.
  22. Mere submission of a contribution shall not confer any claim for publication. The Editorial Board reserves all rights to take decision to publish the contribution or not. The Board’s decision as regards the interpretation ofguidelines or any other matter related to the publication shall be final.
  23. Author/s are requested to verify references and quotations before submitting the manuscripts. Soft copy of the contributions should be emailed to
  24. Author shall be entitled to one copy of the journal in case of publication.



Note: Soft copy of the contributions must be e-mailed by Oct. 20th 2018 at

For official notification – Click here.