IPR Workshop @ KLE Law College, Bangalore [March 10-11]: Register by March 5

KLE Society’s Law College, Bengaluru is organising a Two-Day National Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights: A Practitioner’s Approach on 10th and 11th March, 2018.


Professionals from Industries, government officials, academicians, Research scholars and students can apply for the workshop.


The registration form is given here.

Participants are required to send the scanned copy/ photo image of the Registration Form and the payment details at kleiprworkshop2018@klelawcollege.org at the earliest to confirm their participation and hard copy shall be submitted to the registration desk on the first day of workshop.


Academicians and Professionals: Rs.1000/-
Students: Rs.500/-


Dr. Dnyaneshwar Chouri, Assistant Professor, +91 7899045078
Mr. Harsh Pratap Singh, Assistant Professor, +91 7406564999
Ms. Deepali Hiremath, Assistant Professor, +91 9844928078

Email: kleiprworkshop2018@klelawcollege.org

For official website link, click here and download the brochure by clicking here.